Fetal movements

Fetal movements

Fetal movements, often referred to as “baby kicks” or “baby movements,” are a reassuring sign of fetal well-being during pregnancy. Here’s a description of baby movements in pregnancy:



  • Women typically start feeling fetal movements, often described as flutters or “quickening,” between 18 to 25 weeks of pregnancy. However, this can vary based on factors such as the position of the placenta, the mother’s body size, and whether it’s the first or subsequent pregnancy.

Types of Movements:

Fluttering: Early movements can feel like gentle flutters or bubbles, often described as gas or popcorn popping.

Rolling: As the fetus grows and becomes more active, movements might feel like rolling waves or a rolling pin.

Kicks and Punches: Later in pregnancy, stronger movements from kicks, punches, or jabs can be felt, especially when the fetus is more awake and active.


Initially, fetal movements may be sporadic and infrequent. Over time, as the fetus grows and develops regular sleep-wake cycles, movements might become more consistent and predictable.

Healthcare providers may recommend “kick counts” or monitoring fetal movements to ensure that the fetus is active and healthy.

Factors Influencing Movements:

Maternal Activity: Women often notice fetal movements more when they’re resting or lying down, as they’re more in tune with their bodies.

Fetal Sleep-Wake Cycles: Just like newborns, fetuses have sleep-wake cycles. They may be more active at certain times of the day and quieter during others.

Position: The position of the fetus, such as head down or breech, can influence the type and location of movements felt.

Decreased Movements:

While it’s normal for fetal movements to fluctuate in intensity and frequency, a noticeable decrease in movements, especially if it persists, can be a sign of potential concerns. Healthcare providers often recommend contacting them if there’s a significant decrease in movements or if movements stop altogether.

Later Pregnancy:

As the pregnancy progresses and the fetus grows larger, the space in the uterus becomes more confined. While the intensity of movements might change, the frequency should remain consistent. It’s still essential to be aware of the baby’s patterns and report any significant changes to a healthcare provider.

In summary, fetal movements in pregnancy are a positive indication of fetal well-being. While they can vary in type and intensity, becoming familiar with the baby’s patterns and recognizing any significant changes is crucial for monitoring the baby’s health throughout pregnancy.


Pregnancy Procedure

  • Preconception Planning
  • Conception
  • Confirmation of Pregnancy
  • Prenatal Care
  • Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes
  • Medical Monitoring and Screening
  • Education and Preparation for Childbirth
  • Labor and Delivery
  • Postpartum Care
  • Bonding and Parenting

Contact Pregnancy Care

Address: Anandi Hospital Plot no. 4, Opp. HDFC Bank, Sutgirni Chowk to Shivaji
Nagar road, Chh. Sambhajinagar

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